BRAND messaging strategy:
For kady Cravens at Build my sop
Standard Operating Procedures & Employee Management software for regulated industries.
About the project
Build My SOP | owner Kady Cravens
Kady is the founder and CEO of BuildMySOP, a digital platform offering the cannabis industry standard operating procedures (SOPs), regulatory compliance review services, and document, task, and employee management tools specifically for the cannabis industry.
Kady and I partnered on much of her brand and marketing strategy. Building brand awareness through media engagement and long-form content like podcasts and YouTube was effective and led Kady to pursue more keynote speaking opportunities.
She needed to have a summary of the core essence of the brand to provide journalists, media, and expo event coordinators. It was time to create a Media Kit to send to potential PR prospects, collaborators, and media outlets to showcase who Kady Cravens is as a personal brand and the face of BuildMySOP.
Media Kit to send to media, expos, and other outlets to provide information about Kady and the BuildMySOP brand including brand assets, values, purpose, and positioning.
To provide any media agency or outlet with the basic elements of kady cravens personal brand positioning and who she is as the face of BuildMySOP.
“Her knowledge and experience in cannabis industry compliance and procedures have allowed her to become one of the top four Directors for Colorado Management Holdings…
…which produces the nationally known brand Willie’s Reserve. As a compliance expert, Kady has been a featured speaker at expos in the industry, including Lucky LeafExpo, Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, and NoCo Hemp Expo.
Kady is also an experienced po dcaster, co-hosting the monthly podcast Ask The Regulator alongside former Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division regulator Tom Mohan. She’s also guested on other podcasts like Women We Should Know podcast, Benzinga, and Hi- Curious.”
“The Media Kit is an incredible tool that helps secure interviews and is a perfect representation of my personal brand and positioning.
I’ll continue using it for speaker applications, radio and podcast interviews, and all other media relations we have.
The brand is getting a lot of recognition from the industry — I’ve had tons of positive comments about the types of content we’ve been sharing. It’s given us brand authority and recognition and helped us to relay consistent messaging and professionalism across our social networking.